isro rocket launch

ISRO first private sector built navigation Statellite Launch

isro rocket launch

Rocket Launch From Sriharikota

India ready to launch its first private sector built navigation system at 7 pm from Sriharikota. The satellite will replace one of NAVIC’s Seven Satellites that is malfunctioning. The estimated weight of 1425 kg or say 1.4 tonnes IRNSS – 1H satellite will lift off on the back of PSLV, India’s workhorse that will be on its 41st flight.

The satellite built by a consortium led by alpha design technologies a leading defense sector equipment supplier from bengalaru .A team of 70 scientist from Indian Space Research Organization(ISRO) headed the entire process .

Launched of Navigational Satellite IRNSS 1H indigenous GPS System failed due to technical fault .

The new satellite was meant to augment the existing 7 satellites of the NavIC constellation. The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is an independent regional navigation satellite system developed by India on par with US-based GPS.

ISRO chairman AS Kiran Kumar said the mission was however unsuccessful.” Launch mission has not succeeded. Heatshield has not separated as a result of which satellite is inside the 4th stage. We are getting into the details of what has happened,” he said.

Navigation Satellite Launched Failed

“The C39 launch vehicle had a problem, heat shield has not separated. As a result of that, the satellite is inside the heat shield and we have to go through the detailed analysis to see what has happened,” he announced at the Mission Control Centre.

The first three stages of the satellite launch were completed as intended. However, in the fourth state, the satellite did not deploy as something went wrong with its heat shield after the command for separation was initiated.

The 1,425 kg satellite took off from Satish Dhawan Space Centre at 7 pm on Thursday. The IRNSS 1H was to augment the existing seven satellites in the NavIC system.

The system will be useful for any kind of navigation apps, taxi aggregator apps, location based operations like finding a hospital or shop, or even for the fishermen who will be able to access information on high-yield areas and the kind of weather to expect. It will help in disaster relief operations, among others.

ISRO had launched seven satellites – IRNSS-1G on April 28, 2016, IRNSS-1F (March 10, 2016), IRNSS-1E (January 20, 2016), IRNSS-1D (March 28, 2015), IRNSS-1C (October 16, 2014), IRNSS-1B (April 4, 2014) and IRNSS-1A on July 1, 2013. According to ISRO officials, the total cost of all the seven satellites was Rs 1,420 crore.