Make Money with Blogging

How to Make Money with Blogging in 2023 (Complete Guide)

Make Money with Blogging

Many are thinking blogging is just wasting a time and don’t know the real power of words. Words say Everything. Blog is like a word available to whole world in free. Bloggers are aware of things that are going on outside the world what is viral now and what happens in the current time.

Just you think up to earning but no way to earn. You think up writing a blog is better than working for someone for a full day. Write to himself to do information for the world. All know blogging is not a profession like other examples – accountants, CEO, and other jobs you know already.

Better than working for someone you able to write own a blog. Writing a blog a not an easy task for everyone who writing not to get earnings. if you spirited blogger able to write stories about new information and good in writing then blogging is writing forget monthly earning.

Maybe all who not aware of the blog may be think blogging is a Joke

wordpress blog

Guide to Blogging and Set Up Your Own Blog

Follow my step and step wizard to set up your blog to start blogging. This guide I writing maybe motivates you or not but I want to write about all things before you need to own blogging and start earning. For the best decision to set your blog start Here:

Getting Started to Blogging :

Step 1 :Set up your blog to your blogging. On the internet, many blogging platforms are available free to write your blog but WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr is the best platform to ready start your blog for free. Free blogging is good for beginners who have no experience with the blog. If you want a blog to start earning than prefer the custom domain for your blog is a good idea.

Custom Domain gives your blog an identity setting up a custom domain is good for a long-term blogging career. For SEO purposes custom domain is good to index your blog fast than the free one. Easy to speak custom domain name is better. When your Blog is popular your user only type the name of your blog in the search or do direct come to your blog.

Step 2:Purchase hosting for a blog with a custom domain: For beginners who have not have money to purchase hosting better option is to host their custom domain or free blog on some popular blogging platform. Blogspot blogging platform gives you the power to host your custom domain for free without the HTTPS protocol. You only need to update DNS setting on the domain you purchased through some hosting providers.

Step 3 : Writing great content is a very important task to any bloggers who want to earn through blogging. Writing well is not only good write smartly.

Step 4 : Share Your Content to Search Engines and Social Media to find easily.

Types of Blogs :

Personal Blog: Personal Blog is just like an online diary of a blogger who like to share daily updates, experience, feeling, and thoughts with an audience. For personal bloggers, there are no rules or regulations to follow. Just open thoughts writing the simple pages.

The success of a personal blogger is to share unique content and thinking with the audience. And find some bloggers who share the same interest. As you grow interactions with other personal bloggers they also engage with your blog post.

Business Blog : Business blogger who write for own business or writing for someone who pay for blogging. Many bloggers online with good writing skill work for the company and someone who pay for writing a blog behalf of them their website.

The business blogger goal to gain more exposure , traffic and ultimately customers for their business. For Successful business bloggers all need to grow our audience with the subscribe email list and lead building who interest in you blog to read like to get updated with your news.

Blogging for Business

Professional Blog: Professional bloggers has the same motive as a business blogger to make money with their blog online. But their efforts to make earning salary through the content on their website with the use of a variety of monetization strategies to achieve goals. Professional bloggers work on their niche blogs to generate revenue. Each blog would need to have good potential for attracting a large audience and lots of traffic to attract products and sales .

Niche Blog: Niche Blog is another type of blog that only focuses on a broad topic, especially related to not more than one topic like tech blogger will only write a blog post about the related technology, updated technology, and new technologies. It’s easy to identify the niche you like the most and know about the topic deeply understand and know every point of the strengths and weaknesses of that niche. It’s important to pick a topic according to your passion and interest.

More Blogging Types Continue

Guest Blog : Guest blog also a great type of blogging where website have multi-author. Different authors have different knowledge and all bloggers share different knowledge to the audience. As guest posting may need to be moderate post according to website need. It helps you attract visitors to blog due to many topics are discussed in the same place the online readers and followers will grow sharply.

Affiliate Blog : Maybe you understand the blog type affiliate blog is different from another blog its like an eCommerce store or link directory or something similar. These types of blog earning money through showcase other company products for the commission generate through the affiliate link on the website. Affiliate blogs are good and have got many clicks and got a lot of traffic on their website. Affiliate website redirect user to different website for shopping purpose. They may review products on their website to show in search results.