
New laser system can remotely charge your smartphone


A new technology comes that does not need a charger to charge your smartphone. Just like a wifi signal new technology used a laser beam to charge the phone in a certain range. Near-field wireless chargers like the ones Samsung sells are cool but short-range. Like, the phone has to be sitting on the plate, at which point, you could just plug it in. Researchers at the University of Washington including those of Indian origin have developed a laser emitter that can safely charge a smartphone across a room as quickly as a standard USB cable.

Although mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones let us communicate, work, and access information wirelessly, their batteries must still be charged by plugging them into an outlet. But engineers at the University of Washington have for the first time developed a method to safely charge a smartphone wirelessly using a laser.

Researches at the University of Washington have come up with a system that uses lasers to wirelessly charge a phone across the room. The charging laser and guard lasers are normally invisible to the human eye, but red beams have been inserted in the place of the guard beams here for demonstration purposes.

Digital Library : We demonstrate a novel laser-based wireless power delivery system that can charge mobile devices such as smartphones across a room. The key challenges in achieving this are multi-fold: delivering greater than a watt of power across the room, minimizing the exposure of the resulting high-power lasers to human tissue, and finally ensuring that the design meets the form-factor requirements of a smartphone and requires minimal instrumentation to the environment.

This paper presents a novel, and to the best of our knowledge, the first design, implementation, and evaluation of an end-to-end power delivery system that satisfies all the above requirements. Our results show that we can deliver more than 2 W at ranges of 4.3 m and 12.2 m for a smartphone (25 cm2) and table-top form factor (100 cm2) receiver respectively. Further, extensive characterization of our safety system shows that we can turn off our laser source much before a human moving at a maximum speed of 44 m/s can even enter the high-power laser beam area.