
India vs China Doklam Standoff China will do a Cyber War ?


India and China 73 standoff in Doklam border now end but its big question Indian privacy is safe or not due to the popularity of Chinese smartphones. 56% of Indian Mobile Markets are captured by big Chinese players like Vivo, Lenovo, Xiaomi, and Gionee.

How data is safe with the Chinese mobile makers. China is able to use user data and hack confidential matters related to the user. A security flaw in the mobile causes a heavy data security breach. It’s possible to do a cyberwar between India and China.

Indian Government sended Notice to all Giant Phone Makers like Samsung , Apple , Xiaomi and many more for to show the handset is safe for breach data security . Chinese Hackers are able to raid with malware attacks on the Indian army network. Indian Military notices all army person should use Indian handsets for the security flaw .

The Ministry of Electronics and IT has directed 21 smartphone makers, most of which are Chinese, to inform it about the procedures and processes they follow to ensure the security of mobile phones sold in India, following reports of data leakage and theft. The government will verify the details provided and act against companies that have failed to meet security requirements. The Indian Government has ordered to set up servers in India due to data leakage and security concerns. All Mobile phone manufacturers need to set up a server in India location for user data security and to tackle security breaches.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi hinted two years back about the next war will not take blood. Bloodless war opens on the internet where cybersecurity was an integral part of national security. China has targeted India’s cyberspace and networks for years, with ally Pakistan. According to Indian Computer Emergency Response Team(CERT) More than 50,362 incidents on 2016 from back 2014 there will be 44 ,679 . It is clear that the Indian authorities learned no lessons from the hacking of the Ministry of Defense computers in 2010 that took place despite there being a cybersecurity policy since 2008.