
Apple Market Capitalization hit $900 Billion or go Through become $1 Trillion Dollar Company


Apple Inc. world’s most valuable company just broke a new record on the stock market. Apple Share hit an all time high trading price at $179.30 on February 27, 2018 Get in position to touch $909 billion dollar record. It’s first publicly traded United States Company to reach $900 billion Market Capitalization. Apple is Fresh on the heel with iPhoneX which garnered critical acclaim about the high price tag and short supply. And rumors of Apple will stop the production of its latest iphone model Iphone X .

It’s Competitor Alphabet Inc. not reached a market capitalization of $800 billion. Google becomes the second company to a crossed the $700 billion milestones. After the reported market capital reached $900 billion now the next milestone is to come on $1 Trillion Dollar Company. Technology giant continues to cracking the milestone .

The company’s balance sheet is also in better shape than Wall Street thought. Apple reported quarterly earnings this month that were above expectations and revenue that topped estimates, as the iPhone 8 series got off to a fast start, and Macs reached record revenue for the 2017 fiscal year.

Its latest product, the iPhone X, seems to be a hit despite a high price, with supplies back ordered for weeks. And Apple stands to be one of the primary beneficiaries if the Republican party passes tax reform and allows Apple to bring some of its over $200 billion in cash and securities held overseas back to the United States at a reduced rate.

Technology Company like Apple, Microsoft, and Some other Big name has ability to build loyalty for their products and services to attract customers to services and attract the customer who left the company for some reason. This tech company dominates the American Equity Index like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook are the most highly capitalized stock in the united states. These companies will reach the current milestone of $900 billion and able to touch $1 Trillion Market Capitalization .

In 2020: Apple hit a market cap of $2 trillion Wednesday, doubling in valuation in just over two years to become the first publicly traded U.S. company to reach the milestone. On July 31, Apple passed the state oil giant Saudi Aramco to become the world’s most valuable publicly-traded company.In pandemic time Apple Become the first United States Company to Reach $2 Trillion Valuation Milestone when its share climbed 1.4 percent to $468.65 in midday trading, though they later declined and ended the day flat. It was another milestone for the maker of iPhones, Mac computers, and Apple Watches, cementing its title as the world’s most valuable public company and punctuating how the pandemic has been a bonanza for the tech giants.