renew ssl

How to Renew Cloudflare and Let’s Encrypt SSL

renew ssl

Cloudflare and Let’s encrypt both are common name in the internet to sharing https protocol for secure and encrypted data over the web both of giving ssl for free . You can easy add ssl to your website that help you to boost ranking in the web .

User like to use secure website that enable https over the website to secure data encrypt . For this WordPress and Google both announced that ssl for ranking signal in future update all WordPress going to used https than better option to use free certificate than the much paid ssl .

Cloudflare the leading security leader will secure a website with their free SSL called Universal SSL anyone can enjoy the https protocol over the website by only sign up with them. Cloudflare is giving universal free SSL to all who signed up with them and let’s encrypt also giving free certificates. Many hosting providers early adopters giving Cloudflare and let’s encrypt by default in hosting panel. So easy change to make an unsecured version of the website to secure website with https protocol .

Cloudflare renewal process is automated ssl renew automatically if you using cloudflare nameservers in the domain registrar . Pointing Nameservers to Cloudflare make your SSL free forever if changes will be done on nameservers you get an SSL error or something due to your site. So don’t change your nameserver and profit ranking boost to your domain name. Another Let’s encrypt need to be renewed every 90 days validity of 3 months .

For Hosting providers who are early adopters make your certificate renew automatically but if your hosting provider who doesn’t support let’s encrypt this time than you need to do update your certificate manually from where your certificate created every 90 days. Auto renew possible when you installed let’s encrypt on the hosting server and you have created own script to renew automatically .