
Delhi hit with Smog worst hazardous Pollution Level


Delhi Air Pollution Level is Worst

Air pollution was a major problem everywhere. Many Countries alerted with a high level of toxic air and many cities are worst poor air quality not good for health. In India many major cities and Indian capital Delhi to be continued to be a severe level of smog over the city leading to delay in flight and train services also Delhi Government closed all schools in Delhi to shut down for nearly a week. Air Quality Index was over 999 not safe for anyone to out in these days. Indian Medical Association declared a health emergency after air quality going to be worst .

The deadly smog coming again in Delhi and now Delhiites fighting with the air pollution. Advised to not go out in the early morning and late night you got not benefit from the health due to the worst air pollution level. Due to pollution many people are falling sick, having trouble breathing, experiencing headaches and discomfort due to poor air quality. National Green Tribunal(NGT) ordered to banned construction and industrial activities and entry of trucks in the capital region .

What smog contains PM 2.5 particles which are small enough to settle inside the lung and cause respiratory diseases peaked above 700 micrograms per cubic meter. At this level, not just children and the elderly, but everyone is warned to remain indoors. The WHO’s safe limit is 60. Delhi and nearby Delhi states like Punjab, Haryana, and UP also fighting with smog. Smog also generate after crop burning, burning leaves, and burning disposal that smog will remain in the atmosphere .

Are you thinking to go out on a daily walk, jogging, or some other healthy activities you need to postpone these activities for someday. This time is not good for anyone who already purchased a mask to fight pollution is not very effective who live in Delhi. While it may not protect you completely from the pollution and as this time many are selling low cost mask that not be promised to you it protect you from the pollution .