boost website ranking

10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Website Increase Alexa Ranking

boost seo website ranking

As a entrepreneurs and a blogger , businessman all like to make money through their online presence . All you need for earning getting leads and new customers that all one know about your website . Many are struggling in real time to get quality traffic for their business in current time no one have idea to drive huge traffic to the website regularly without investing money .

In digital world internet have more than 30 million website ,300 million of blogs from all over the world are running currently . For newbie without knowledge of seo and marketing methods that user will fail to drive traffic to their website . Every newbie has not have million budget to take traffic from paid advertisement employ marketers for themselves .

Ideas Help to Drive Website Traffic

1.Foundation of Every Successful Business is Idea . First, think about yourself in which niche you are perfect no one can beat you has extra knowledge of that niche. After all thinking and research first set up a good looking website with well written content .

Without good content or as a content that not able to attract viewers to the website all your expertise will lose. As a First Step all you need to organize your website if you even not have experienced in web development or creating a good looking website with the free resources than you need to take help and ask your friends or community .

It’s highly possible that you are good at something but not all things. Take help from someone who has ideas and knowledge about online happening. Every Content need to organize no one like to unorganized matter on the Website .

Because of bad user experience you will lose the traffic from everywhere like to be from the organic search result. Search engine like to show results from good responsive website .

2.Writing Fresh Content Regularly, write evergreen articles that never go out of fashion in somedays or fewer months. Evergreen articles will help you get traffic regularly in growing to the user base from collecting emails through the subscribe form .

Search engines looking to fresh content to show up their search. After writing good articles good idea to submit your content to your niche website who likes to show your content on their website and also to submit your website to search engines not only to google. Many search engines live online you like to get traffic from them. Some research will help you to get reach the traffic from all over the world .

3.Make your site run on https search engines like to show first results from https compare to non https website . Due to data goes online encrypted that help you to rank better on search engine . HTTPS is something like rank signal to your website .

Its surely help you to increase in google ranking . Many think https only going to be through paid ca but now time many certificate authority and security leaders like let’s encrypt and cloudflare giving ssl free for website .

4.Promote Your Content on Social Media by joining a social network. Make their social profile and link your website with it. Social Media is too wide billion people already on social media. The best platform to share your content regularly. Create business pages, community according to your niche help you to drive social traffic to your business as free. Connect with the same niche person on social media.

Share the same content in different styles according to social media. Just like Facebook, you can fetch your page directly in the post. Twitter with small tweets you can share your content also fetch the website with your link. Pinterest where you directly attach an image that attracts quality viewers to your website regularly.

And much other social networking online. You can find make a profile and share easy. Don’t spam social networking with fake news and something not related to your business.

5.Link Building oldest and good technique to get traffic . Share your link to your related niche website to help you to grow the website. Also, connect with the blogger’s community to share your content. Many bloggers are using Alexa toolbar that helps Alexa to find any website on the web .

With Alexa toolbar you will able to get ranking details of your website you understand your Traffic ranking. Good Alexa ranking helps you to get advertisers from everywhere who like to show ads on your website. Many Bloggers are using the Alexa toolbar regularly so connecting to the community is good.

6.Focus on organic traffic come through directly through search engine . Organic traffic has a wide reach of the targeted user. Make Some keyword research with free keyword tools to get estimated traffic CPC cost per keyword highest paying keywords are good to reach user. Organic search is almost free if you know something about on page SEO due to all data going to search engine from your website .

7. Guest Blog posting is also good for quality traffic from niche website . Guest Blogging evergreen seo link building process that never died . If you guest blogging with good quality articles than your traffic will increase .Before start guest blogging find some good sites that accept guest blogging in their website directly .

8. Re-marketing the content on social networking paid services are also good to boost traffic to the website. Remarket your products and services to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and many more social network already exist all you need to research and find new social network .

9. Collect lead and subscribers through email make good subscribers list who read your mail and regularly visit you back on the update of content. Email subscriber’s mailing list is good for growing website traffic. Earn subscribers through give away free goodies on mail .

10. Engage your reader through video and commenting . Engagement helps you to get more traffic and a regular visit from the old user. So engaging viewer with commenting on the website or in social media help you to drive traffic .