
Food that makes your skin glow


A healthy diet and lifestyle habits, affect your body. Due to unhealthy diet like junk food, smoking cause bad health and your skin lost the glow show you’re unhealthy skin glow depend on a healthy diet and a healthy environment without both your skin cannot glow like a child skin.

Face wash, cleansers, and lotion you like a glowing skin for some time but not for forever. Glowing skin only possible with a healthy diet and lots of natural vitamins for the good health. What you eat will make a good or bad effect to your skin .

Skin is most important to body healthy skin reflects how much you’re healthy from the inside. Daily smog and pollution make your skin dull you skin need time to recover from itself. The skin protects you from the UV ray everything inside the body protected through your skin. So don’t make your skin dehydrated take good care of it for skin glow .

1. Tomato: Tomato is a great source of natural mineral and vitamin. And Easily available everywhere. It contains vitamins like A, K, B1, B6, B7, and C . Tomatoes contain an excellent source of lycopene, which may just help protect your skin from sun damage so it stays smooth and young looking as you age. To activate the lycopene benefits of your tomatoes, it’s important to cook them a little. Simmer them in a soup or bake a few to blend into a luxurious tomato hummus. Tomato contains lycopene which has the amazing anti ageing property to glow your skin. Tomato also acts like a natural sunscreen .

2. Carrots: A carrots good source of Vitamin A which is good for skin health which normalizes skin function to correct any skin conditions. Eating fresh carrot juice for refreshing mood. Like a magic wand carrot good for the eyes and good for breakouts. Carrots are a powerhouse for glowing skin due to a large amount of beta carotene that helps prevent the degeneration of cells, slows aging, and makes your skin glow. The vitamin A found in carrot juice also helps keep body tissue, eyes, bones, and teeth healthy. Carrots also have a large amount of vitamin C, which promotes collagen growth, reduce acne and dark spots. Boost your beauty by slurping on a glass of carrot juice or add it to your salads.

3. Eggs: Egg good source of Vitamin B12, B2, A, B5, Selenium, and many more that are needed for the human body including calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese, Vitamin E, Folate, and many more. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals make eggs are good for a healthy skin The yolk is rich in vitamins that are essential for proper cell function, as well as contain the “beauty vitamin,” biotin. This B vitamin is more commonly known to help hair grow and strengthen fingernails, but research has shown it also helps protect skin from acne, rashes, and even dryness. Eggs Improve Your Cholesterol Profile and do NOT Raise Your Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Eggs also help to reduce body fat .

4. Lemons: Lemons are packed with vitamin C, vitamin B, and phosphorous – an amazing food to make your skin glow. The natural acids of lemon gently remove dead skin cells and lighten age spots. Lemon cleans the pores without stripping the skin of its natural oil balance since it contains citric acid in high amounts. Mix a spoon of lemon juice with egg white and grape juice extract to make your skin smooth and glowing, or squeeze out just some fresh lemon juice and use it on the affected area to get flawless skin. We saved the best for last, indeed.

5. Green Tea : A one of green tea daily or a once week good for skin glow . Green tea contains antioxidant elements that help reduces any type of health complexion . It helps to improve health by kill bad bacteria, brain function improvement, burning fat, lower the risk of obesity, and some types of cancer. It’s not a food just a drink can help improve health and skin glow. It is also a perfect way to calm down and relax after a long day. Keeping ourselves and our body relaxed is essential in lowering stress, therefore helping to keep your complexion calm and blemish-free.

6.Dark Chocolate – Contrary to popular belief, chocolate does not cause acne. In fact, research has shown that dark chocolate even protects the skin from sun damage. Chocolate, or rather raw cacao, contains anti-aging antioxidants called flavonoids, which fight free radicals to protect your skin from UV damage and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and skin discolorations.

7. Strawberries: A cup of these sweet fruits has 130% of the DV of vitamin C, which is essential in skin health. Vitamin C actually boosts the production of collagen fibres in the skin that keep it smooth and firm (and clear).